
Let’s create a simple testsuite to put Core concepts in practice and introduce common APIs. The goal of this testsuite will be to write tests for the bc, the famous POSIX command-line calculator.

Basic setup

First, create an empty directory and put the following Python code in a testsuite.py file:

#! /usr/bin/env python3

import sys

from e3.testsuite import Testsuite

class BcTestsuite(Testsuite):
    """Testsuite for the bc(1) calculator."""


if __name__ == "__main__":

Just this already makes a functional (but useless) testsuite. Make this file executable and then run it:

$ chmod +x testsuite.py
$ ./testsuite.py
INFO     Found 0 tests
INFO     Summary:
_  <no test result>

That makes sense: we have an empty testsuite, so running it actually executes no test.

Creating a test driver

Most testcases will check the behavior of artithmetic computations, so we have an obvious first driver to write: it will spawn a bc process, passing a file that contains the arithmetic expression to evaluate to it and check that the output is as expected. Testcases using this driver just need to provide the expression input file and an expected output file.

Creating a test driver is as simple as creating a Python class that derives from e3.testsuite.drivers.TestDriver. However, its API is quite crude, so we will study it later. Let’s use e3.testsuite.drivers.diff.DiffTestDriver instead: that class conveniently provides the framework to spawn subprocesses and check their outputs against baselines, i.e. exactly what we want to do here.

Add the following class to testsuite.py:

from e3.testsuite.driver.diff import DiffTestDriver

class ComputationDriver(DiffTestDriver):
    """Driver to run a computation through "bc" and check its output.

    This passes the "input.bc" to "bc" and check its output against the
    "test.out" baseline file.

    def run(self):
        self.shell(["bc", "input.bc"])

The only mandatory thing to do for ClassicTestDriver concrete subclasses (DiffTestDriver is an abstract subclass) is to override the run method. The role of this method is to do whatever actions the test driver is supposed to do in order for testcases to exercize the tested piece of software: compile software, prepare input files, run processes, and so on.

The very goal of DiffTestDriver is to compare a “test output” against a baseline: the test succeeds only if both match. But what’s a test output? It is up to the DiffTestDriver subclass to define it: for example the output of one subprocess, the concatenation of several subprocess outputs or the content of a file that the testcase produces. Subclasses must store this test output in the self.output attribute, and DiffTestDriver will then compare it against the baseline, i.e. by default: the content of the test.out file.

Here, the only thing we need to do is to actually run the bc program on our input file. shell is a method inherited from ClassicTestDriver acting as a wrapper around Python’s subprocess standard library module. This wrapper spawns a subprocess with an empty standard input, returns its exit code and captured output (mix of standard output/error). While the only mandatory argument is a list of strings for the command-line to run, optional arguments control how to spawn this subprocess and use its result, for instance:

  • cwd controls the working directory for the subprocess. By default, the subprocess is run in the test working directory.
  • env allows to control environment variables passed to the subprocess. By default: leave the testsuite environment variables unchanged.
  • catch_error: whether to consider non-zero exit code as a test failure (true by default).
  • analyze_output: whether to append the subprocess’ output to self.output (true by default).

Thanks to these defaults, the above call to self.shell will make the test succeed only if the bc program prints the exact expected output and stops with exit code 0.

Now that we have a test driver, we can make BcTestsuite aware of it:

class BcTestsuite(Testsuite):
    test_driver_map = {"computation": ComputationDriver}
    default_driver = "computation"

The test_driver_map class attribute maps names to test driver classes. It allows testcases to refer to the test driver they require using these names (see the next section). default_driver gives the name of the default test driver, for testcases that do not specify a specific driver.

With this framework, it is now possible to write actual testcases!

Writing tests

As described in Core concepts, the standard format for testcases is: any directory that contains a test.yaml file. By default, the testsuite searches all directories near the Python script file that subclasses e3.testsuite.Testsuite. In our example, that means all directories near the testsuite.py file, and all nested directories.

With that in mind, let’s write our first testcase: create an addition directory next to testsuite.py and fill it with testcase data:

$ mkdir addition
$ cd addition
$ echo "driver: computation" > test.yaml
$ echo "1 + 2" > input.bc
$ echo 3 > test.out

Thanks to the presence of the addition/test.yaml file, the addition/ directory is considered as a testcase. Its content tells the testsuite to run it using the “computation” test driver: that driver will pick the two other files as bc’s input and the expected output. In practice:

$ ./testsuite.py
INFO     Found 1 tests
INFO     PASS         addition
INFO     Summary:
_  PASS         1

Note: given that the “compute” test driver is the default one, driver: computation in the test.yaml file is not necessary. We can show that with a new testcase (empty test.yaml file):

$ mkdir subtraction
$ cd subtraction
$ touch test.yaml
$ echo "10 - 2" > input.bc
$ echo 8 > test.out
$ cd ..
$ ./testsuite.py
INFO     Found 2 tests
INFO     PASS         addition
INFO     PASS         subtraction
INFO     Summary:
_  PASS         2

Commonly used testsuite arguments

So far everything worked fine. What happens when there is a test failure? Let’s create a faulty testcase to find out:

$ mkdir multiplication
$ cd multiplication
$ touch test.yaml
$ echo "2 * 3" > input.bc
$ echo 8 > test.out
$ cd ..
$ ./testsuite.py
INFO     Found 3 tests
INFO     PASS         subtraction
INFO     PASS         addition
INFO     FAIL         multiplication: unexpected output
INFO     Summary:
_  PASS         2
_  FAIL         1

Instead of the expected PASS test result, we have a FAIL one with a message: unexpected output. Even though we can easily guess the error is that the expected output should be 6 (not 8), let’s ask the testsuite to show details thanks to the --show-error-output/-E option. We’ll also ask the testsuite to run only that failing testcase:

$ ./testsuite.py -E multiplication
INFO     Found 1 tests
INFO     FAIL         multiplication: unexpected output
_--- expected
_+++ output
_@@ -1 +1 @@
INFO     Summary:
_  FAIL         1

On baseline comparison failure, DiffTestDriver creates a unified diff between the baseline (--- expected) and the actual output (+++ output) showing the difference, and the testsuite’s --show-error-output/-E option displays it, making it easy to quickly spot the difference between the two.

Even though these 3 testcases take very little time to run, most testsuites require a lot of CPU time to run to completion. Nowadays, most working stations have several cores, so we can spawn one test per core to speedup testsuite execution time. e3.testsuite supports the --jobs/-j option to achive this. This option works the same way it does for the make program: -jN is the default (run at most N testcases at a time, default is 1), and -j0 tells to set N to the number of CPU cores.

Test execution control

There is no obvious bug in bc that this documentation could expect to survive for long, so let’s stick with this wrong multiplication testcase and pretend that bc should return 8. This is a known bug, and so the failure is expected for the time being. This situation occurs a lot in software: bugs often take a lot of time to fix, sometimes test failures come from bugs in upstream projects, etc.

To keep testsuite reports readable/usable, it is convenient to tag failures that are temporarily accepted as XFAIL rather than FAIL: the former is a failure that has been analyzed as acceptable for now, leaving the latter for unexpected regressions to investigate. Testcases using a driver that inherits from ClassicTestDriver can do that by adding a control entry in their test.yaml file. To do that, append the following to multiplication/test.yaml:

- [XFAIL, "True", "erroneous multiplication: see bug #1234"]

When present, control must contain a list of 2- or 3-uplets:

  • A command. Here, XFAIL to state that failure is expected: FAIL test statuses are turned into XFAIL, and PASS are turned into XPASS. There are two other commands available: NONE (the default: regular test execution), and SKIP (do not execute the testcase and create a SKIP test result).
  • A Python expression as a condition guard, to decide whether the command applies to this testsuite run. Here, it always applies.
  • An optional message to describe why this command is here.

The first command whose guard evaluates to true applies. We can see it in action:

$ ./testsuite.py -j8
INFO     Found 3 tests
INFO     XFAIL        multiplication: unexpected output (erroneous multiplication: see bug #1234)
INFO     PASS         subtraction
INFO     PASS         addition
INFO     Summary:
_  PASS         2
_  XFAIL        1

You can learn more about this specific test control mechanism and even how to create your own mechanism in e3.testsuite.control: Control test execution.