e3.testsuite.driver: Core test driver API

The first sections of this part contain information that applies to all test drivers. However, starting with the Test fragments section, it describes the low level TestDriver API, to create test drivers. You should consider using it only if higher lever APIs, such as ClassicTestDriver and DiffTestDriver are not powerful enough for your needs. Still, knowing how things work under the hood may help when issues arise, so reading this part until the end can be useful at some point.

Basic API

All test drivers are classes that derive directly or indirectly from e3.testsuite.driver.TestDriver. Instances contain the following attributes:

e3.env.BaseEnv instance, inherited from the testsuite. This object contains information about the host/build/target platforms, the testsuite parsed command-line arguments, etc. More on this in e3.testsuite: Testsuite API.

The testcase environment. It is a dictionary that contains at least the following entries:

  • test_name: The name that the testsuite assigned to this testcase.
  • test_dir: The absolute name of the directory that contains the testcase.
  • working_dir: The absolute name of the temporary directory that this test driver is free to create (see below) in order to run the testcase.

Depending on how the way the testcase has been created (see e3.testsuite.testcase_finder: Control testcase discovery), this dictionary may contain other entries: for test.yaml-based tests, this will also contain entries loaded from the test.yaml file.

Default TestResult instance for this testcase. See e3.testsuite.result: Create test results.

Test/working directories

Test drivers need to deal with two directories specific to each testcase:

Test directory
This is the “source” of the testcase: the directory that contains the test.yaml file. Consider this repertory read-only: it is bad practice to have execution modify the source of a testcase.
Working directory

In order to execute a testcase, it may be necessary to create files and directories in some temporary place, for instance to build a test program. While using Python’s standard mechanism to create temporary files (tempfile module) is an option, e3.testsuite provide its own temporary directory management facility, which is more helpful when investigating failures.

Each testcase is assigned a unique subdirectory inside the testsuite’s temporary directory: the testcase working directory, or just “working directory”. Note that the testsuite only reserves the name of that subdirectory: it is up to test drivers to actually create it, should they need it.

Inside test driver methods, directory names are available respectively as self.test_env["test_dir"] and self.test_env["working_dir"]. In addition, two shortcut methods allow to build absolute file names inside these directories: TestDriver.test_dir and TestDriver.working_dir. Both work similarly to os.path.join:

# Absolute name for the "test.yaml" in the test directory

# Absolute name for the "obj/foo.o" file in the working directory
self.test_dir("obj", "foo.o")


What follows documents the advanced API. Only complex testsuites should need this.

Test fragments

The TestDriver API deals with an abstraction called test fragments. In order to leverage machines with multiple cores so that testsuites run faster, we need processings to be separated into independent parts to be scheduled in parallel. Test fragments are such independent parts: the fact that a test driver can create multiple fragments for a single testcase allows finer granularity for testcase execution parallelisation compared to “a whole testcase reserves a whole core”.

When a testsuite runs, it first looks for all testcases to run, then ask their test drivers to create all the test fragments they need to execute tests. Only then, a scheduler is spawned to run test fragments with the desired level of parallelism.

This design is supposed to work with workflows such as “build test program and only then run in parallel all tests using this program”. To allow this, test drivers can create dependencies between test fragments. This formalism is very similar to the dependency mechanism in build software such as make: the scheduler will first trigger the execution of fragments with no dependency, then of fragments with dependencies satisfied, etc.

To continue with the JSON example presented in e3.testsuite.result: Create test results: the test driver can create a build fragment (with no dependency) and then one fragment per JSON document to parse (all depending on the build fragment). The scheduler will first trigger the execution of the build fragment: once this fragment has run to completion, the scheduler will be able to trigger the execution of all other fragments in parallel.

Creating test drivers

As described in the tutorial, creating a test driver implies creating a TestDriver subclass. The only thing such subclasses are required to do is to provide an implementation for the add_test method, which acts as an entry point. Note that there should be no need to override the constructor.

This add_test method has one purpose: register test fragments, and the TestDriver.add_fragment method is available to do so. This latter method has the following interface:

def add_fragment(self, dag, name, fun=None, after=None):
Data structure that hold fragments and that the testsuite scheduler will use to run jobs in the correct order. The add_test method must forward its own dag argument to add_fragment.
String to designate this new fragment in the current testcase.

Test fragment callback. It must accept two positional arguments: previous_values and slot. When this test fragment is executed, this function is called and passed as previous_values a mapping that contains return values from previously executed fragments. Later, other test fragments executed will see fun’s own return value in this record under the name key.

If left to None, add_fragment will fetch the test driver method called name.

The slot argument is described below.

List of fragment names that this new fragment depends on. The testsuite will schedule the execution of this new fragment only after all the fragments that after designates have been executed. Note that its execution will happen even if one or several fragments in after terminated with an exception.

Let’s again continue with this JSON example. It is time to roll a TestDriver subclass, define the appropriate add_test method to create test fragments.

from glob import glob
import subprocess

from e3.testsuite.driver import TestDriver
from e3.testsuite.result import TestResult, TestStatus

class ParsingDriver(TestDriver):

    def add_test(self, dag):
        # Register the "build" fragment, no dependency. The fragment
        # callback is the "build" method.
        self.add_fragment(dag, "build")

        # For each input JSON file in the testcase directory, create a
        # fragment to run the parser on that JSON file.
        for json_file in glob(self.test_dir("*.json")):
            input_name = os.path.splitext(json_file)[0]
            fragment_name = "parse-" + input_name
            out_file = json_file + ".out"


                # Unique name for this fragment (specific to json_file)

                # Unique callback for this fragment (likewise)
                    fragment_name, json_file, out_file

                # This fragment only needs the build to happen first

    def build(self, previous_values):
        """Callback for the "build" fragment."""
        # Create the temporary directory for this testcase

        # Build the test program, writing it to this temporary directory
        # (don't ever modify the testcase source directory!).
            ["gcc", "-o", "test_program", self.test_dir("test_program.c")],

        # Return True to tell next fragments that the build was successful
        return True

    def create_parse_callback(self, fragment_name, json_file, out_file):
        Return a callback for a "parse" fragment applied to "json_file".

        def callback(previous_values):
            """Callback for the "parse" fragments."""
            # We can't do anything if the build failed
            if not previous_values.get("build"):
                return False

            # Create a result for this specific test fragment
            result = TestResult(fragment_name, self.test_env)

            # Run the test program on the input JSON, capture its output
            with open(self.test_dir(json_file), "rb") as f:
                output = subprocess.check_output(

            # The test passes iff the output is as expected
            with open(self.test_dir(out_file), "rb") as f:
                if f.read() == output:
                    result.set_status(TestStatus.FAIL, "unexpected output")

            # Test fragment is complete. Don't forget to register this
            # result. No fragment depends on this one, so no-one will use
            # the return value in a previous_values mapping. Yet, return
            # True as a good practice.
            return True

Note that this driver is not perfect: calls to subprocess.check_call and subprocess.check_output may raise exceptions, for instance in test_program.c is missing or has a syntax error, if its execution fails for some reason. Opening the *.out files also assumes that the file is present. In all these cases, an unhandled exception will be propagated. The testsuite framework will catch these and create an ERROR test result to include the error in the report, so errors will not go unnoticed (good), but the error messages will not necessarily make debugging easy (not so good).

A better driver would catch manually likely exceptions, and create TestResult instances with useful information, such as the name of the current step (build or parse) and the current input JSON file (if applicable) so that testcase developpers have all the information they need to understand errors when they occur.

Test fragment abortion

During their execution, test fragment callbacks can raise e3.testsuite.TestAbort exceptions: if exception propagation reaches the callback’s caller, the test fragment execution will be silently discarded. This implies no entry left in previous_values and, unless the callback already pushed a result (TestDriver.push_result), there will be no track of this fragment in the test report.

However, if a callback raises another type of uncaught exception, the testsuite creates and pushes a test result with an ERROR status and with the exception traceback in its log, so that this error appears in the testsuite report.

Test fragment slot

Each test fragment can be scheduled to run in parallel, up to the parallelism level requested when running the testsuite: --jobs=N/-jN testsuite argument creates N jobs to run fragments in parallel.

Some testsuites need to create special resources for testcases to run. For instance, the testsuite for a graphical text editor running on GNU/Linux may need to spawn Xvfb processes (X servers) in which the text editors will run. If the testsuite can execute N multiple fragments in parallel, it needs at least N simultaneously running servers since each text editor requires the exclusive use of a server. In other words, two concurrent tests cannot use the same server.

Make each test create its own server is possible, but starting and stopping a server is costly. In order to satisfy the above requirement and keep the overhead minimal, it would be nice to start exactly N servers at the beginning of the testsuite (one per testsuite job): at any time, job J would be the only user of server J, so there would be no conflict between test fragments.

This is exactly the role of the slot argument in test fragments callback: it is a job ID between 1 and the number N of testsuite jobs (included). Test drivers can use it to handle shared resources avoiding conflicts.

Inter-test dependencies

This section presents how to create dependencies between fragments that don’t belong to the same tests. But first, a warning: the design of e3-testsuite is thought primarily for tests that are independent: tests not interacting so that each test can be executed and not the others. Introducing inter-test dependencies removes this restriction, which introduces a fair amount of complexity:

  • The execution of tests must be synchronized so that the one that depends on another one must run after it.
  • There is likely logistic to take care of so that whatever justifies the dependency is carried from one test to the other.
  • A test does not depend only on what is being tested, but may also depend on what other tests did, which may make tests more fragile and complicates failure analysis.
  • When a user asks to run only one test, while this test happens to depend on another one, the testsuite needs to make sure that this other test is also run.

Most of the time, these drawbacks make inter-test dependencies inappropriate, and thus better avoided. However there are cases where they are necessary. Real world examples include:

  • Writing an e3-testsuite based test harness to exercize existing inter-dependent testcases that cannot be modified. For instance, the ACATS (Ada Conformity Assessment Test Suite) has some tests which write files and other tests that then read later on.

  • External constraints require separate tests to host the validation of data produced in other tests. For instance a qualification testsuite (in the context of software certification) that needs a single test (say report-format-check) to check that all the outputs of a qualified tool throughout the testsuite (say output of tests feature-A, feature-B, …) respect a given constraint.

    Notice how, in this case, the outcome of such a test depends on how the testsuite is run: if report-format-check detects a problem in the output from feature-A but not in outputs from other tests, then report-format-check will pass or fail depending on the specific set of tests that the testsuite is requested to run.

With these pitfalls in mind, let’s see how to create inter-test dependencies. First, a bit of theory regarding the logistics of test fragments in the testsuite:

The description of the TestDriver.add_fragment method above mentionned a crucial data structure in the testsuite: the DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph). This graph (an instance of e3.collections.dag.DAG) contains the list of fragments to run as nodes and the dependencies between these fragments as edges. The DAG is then is used to schedule their execution: first execute fragments that have no dependencies, then fragments that depend on these, etc.

Each node in this graph is a FragmentData instance, that the add_fragment method creates. This class has four fields:

  • uid, a string used as an identifier for this fragment that is unique in the whole DAG (it corresponds to the VertexID generic type in e3.collections.dag). add_fragment automatically creates it from the driver’s test_name field and add_fragment’s own name argument.
  • driver, the test driver that created this fragment.
  • name, the name argument passed to add_fragment.
  • callback, the fun argument passed to add_fragment.

Our goal here is, once the DAG is populated with all the FragmentData to run, to add dependencies between them to express scheduling constraints. Overriding the Testsuite.adjust_dag_dependencies method allows this: this method is called when the DAG was created and populated, and right before the scheduling and starting the execution of fragments.

As as simplistic example, suppose that a testsuite has two kinds of drivers: ComputeNumberDriver and SumDriver. Tests running with ComputeNumberDriver have no dependencies, while each test using SumDriver needs the result of all ComputeNumberDriver (i.e. depends on all of them). Also assume that each driver creates only one fragment (more on this later), then the following method overriding would do the job:

def adjust_dag_dependencies(self, dag: DAG) -> None:
    # Get the list of all fragments for...

    # ... ComputeNumberDriver
    comp_fragments = []

    # ... SumDriver
    sum_fragments = []

    # "dag.vertex_data" is a dict that maps fragment UIDs to FragmentData
    # instances.
    for fg in dag.vertex_data.values():
        if isinstance(fg.driver, ComputeNumberDriver):
        elif isinstance(fg.driver, SumDriver):

    # Pass the list of ComputeNumberDriver fragments to all SumDriver
    # instances and make sure SumDriver fragments run after all
    # ComputeNumberDriver ones.
    comp_uids = [fg.uid for fg in comp_fragments]
    for fg in sum_fragments:
        # This allows code in SumDriver to have access to all
        # ComputeNumberDriver fragments.
        fg.driver.comp_fragments = comp_fragments

        # This creates the scheduling constraint: the "fg" fragment must
        # run only after all "comp_uids" fragments have run.
        dag.update_vertex(vertex_id=fg.uid, predecessors=comp_uids)

Note the use of the DAG.update_vertex method rather than .set_predecessors: the former adds predecessors (i.e. preserves existing ones, that the TestDriver.add_fragment method already created) while the latter would override them.

Some drivers create more than one fragment: for instance e3.testsuite.driver.BasicDriver creates a set_up fragment, a run one, a tear_down one and a analyze one, which each fragment having a dependency on the previous one. To deal with them, adjust_dag_dependencies need to check the FragmentData.name field to get access to specific fragments:

# Look for the "run" fragment from FooDriver tests
if fg.name == "run" and isinstance(fg.driver, FooDriver):

# FragmentData provides a helper to do this:
if fg.matches(FooDriver, "run"):