e3.testsuite.report: reading/writing reports

Is is sometimes useful to directly use e3-testsuite’s API: this allows to create a e3-testsuite report, for instance to import results from a third-party testsuite framework. This can also be useful to implement a custom testsuite report viewer (alternative to the e3-testsuite-report command).

For both kinds of uses, the concepts are the same: a ReportIndex instance maintains a list of TestResult instances (see e3.testsuite.result: Create test results), storing files in a directory: results_dir.

Reading reports

Reading a testsuite report is as simple as building a ReportIndex with the ReportIndex.read(results_dir) class method and then processing the ReportIndex attributes:


Dict that maps each test status (see TestStatus) to the number of test results with that test status.


Decimal number of seconds for the total duration of the testsuite run, or None if this information is not available.


Dict that maps each test name to a ReportIndexEntry instance for each test result. ReportIndexEntry objects contain the same information as TestResultSummary (test name, test status, …), and their .load() method allows to fetch the corresponding TestResult instance.

The ReportIndexEntry indirection between the report index and the TestResult instance is necessary to keep performance reasonable: reading the information necessary to build a TestResult instance (logs, …) is slow, so it should be avoided whenever possible. Scripts often want to process only tests that failed, and in most test reports, most test results are successful, so most TestResult instances are not needed in practice.

Usage example:

from e3.testsuite.report.index import ReportIndex
from e3.testsuite.result import TestStatus

# Read the testsuite report present in the "report"
# directory
index = ReportIndex.read("report")

# Print a summary of the results: number of results
# for each test status, sorted by status.
summary = [
    (status, count)
    for status, count in index.status_counters.items()
    if count
summary.sort(key=lambda item: item[0].value)
for status, count in summary:
    print(f"{status.name}: {count}")

# Process details for each test that did not pass,
# sorted by test name. To keep performance reasonable
# for big reports, do not load the result itself
# unless necessary.
for test_name, entry in index.entries.items():
    if entry.status not in {
        result = entry.load()

Writing reports

Writing a report happens in 4 stages:

  1. ensure the result directory (results_dir) exists;

  2. create a ReportIndex instance;

  3. for each test result (TestResult instance), save it to the result directory and add it to the index;

  4. finally, write the index itself to the result directory.

Usage example:

from collections.abc import Iterable
import os.path

from e3.testsuite.report.index import ReportIndex
from e3.testsuite.result import TestResult

# The purpose of this function is to produce the
# list of results to include in the testsuite
# report.
def iter_results() -> Iterable[TestResult]: ...

# Ensure that the results directory exists
results_dir = os.path.abspath("report")
if not os.path.exists(results_dir):

# Create a testsuite report in "results_dir"
index = ReportIndex(results_dir)

# Save each result to a file and add it to the
# index.
for result in iter_results():

# Write the index itself to the disk

Exporting to other formats

Once a ReportIndex instance has been read or written, it is possible to export it to a third-party format for a third-party report reader to process it.


GAIA is AdaCore’s internal viewer for the production system. It has its own file format to store testsuite reports, which the e3.testsuite.report.gaia.dump_gaia_report function can produce in a given output directory from a report index:

from e3.testsuite.report.gaia import dump_gaia_report
from e3.testsuite.report.index import ReportIndex

index = ReportIndex.read("e3-testsuite-report")
dump_gaia_report(index, output_dir="gaia-report")


Testing tools in the xUnit/JUnit family share a common XML format to store testsuite reports. The e3.testsuite.xunit.dump_xunit_report function can write an XML file for a given report index:

from e3.testsuite.report.index import ReportIndex
from e3.testsuite.report.xunit import dump_xunit_report

index = ReportIndex.read("e3-testsuite-report")
dump_xunit_report("my-testsuite", index, filename="report.xml")